We know older adults in the Columbus area have questions about the new MyCare Ohio program. Designed to help coordinate benefits for seniors who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, it officially launched in January of this year. To help provide seniors with the answers we know they are looking for, we recently spoke with Adam Zimmerman, LNHA on some of the most commonly asked questions in regards to MyCare Ohio.

Q: What exactly is MyCare Ohio?

A: The program is a state consolidation of care and insurance into one program. People who have both Medicare and Medicaid are automatically enrolled into MyCare Ohio.

Q: How does the program work?

A: If you meet the qualifications, you will automatically be enrolled in the program. Then you will receive a notice with a deadline for accepting. You typically have between 60 and 90 days to decide if you want to join.

Q: What benefits does MyCare Ohio offer to residents?

A: The primary benefit the program offers is a consolidation and coordination of care. It combines traditional Medicare and Medicaid benefits into one, making it easier and simpler to manage. Enrollees are also assigned a community care person (essentially a case manager) to handle their care management issues.

Q: Why should someone choose MyCare Ohio?

A: We encourage seniors to accept the program because it helps ease the difficulties that come with having multiple insurance companies to try to navigate. It also helps with cost control. And having a case manager to help you manage your health care needs is a big plus.

Q: How does a senior pay for MyCare Ohio?

A: The program is funded through Medicaid. Insurance typically covers 100% of health care costs, though there is sometimes a co-pay.

The Ohio Department of Medicaid has additional helpful information and resources. To learn more visit My Care Ohio, Connecting Medicare and Medicaid.

Have further questions about the stipulations of MyCare Ohio? Feel free to give us a call at (614) 345-9500. We would be happy to help answer your questions!

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