• Provide competent safe medical care to patients under your care consistent with relevant age appropriate medical and /or geriatric principles;
  • Ensure that all orders are related to medically necessary items and services;
  • Provide physician input and a medical decision-support to the clinical staff and management of the facility;
  • Conduct physician rounds and timely physician visits for all your patients and complete appropriate documentation in each resident's clinical record in accord with your patients' problems, needs and responses to therapies and with applicable regulatory requirements;
  • Coordinate, through oral and /or written communication, medical plans of care and treatment between the facility staff, your patient's consulting physicians and other health care providers or consultants;
  • Ensure 24-hour availability of physician services by providing on-call and telephone access or designating an alternative, qualified attending physician staff member of this facility to do so;
  • Participate as needed, in level of care assessments, certification of medical necessity and placement recommendations for your patients who reside or seek admission to the facility;
  • Maintain the relevant clinical competencies in the provision of medical care to residents of nursing homes;
  • Maintain confidentiality of resident-specific and facility information;
  • Provide all services incompliance with federal and state laws and regulation governing the provision of physician services and reimbursement for services to residents in nursing facilities.
  • Advise the medical director and facility Administrator of current medical issued affecting the residents of this facility;
  • Participate, as needed, in matters of peer review, compliance and quality assurance for the facility.
  • Maintain current professional license and certificate to practice medicine and to prescribe controlled substances.
  • Make application and maintain privileges at (transfer agreement) hospital or establish and admitting coverage relationship with another physician or group;
  • Obtain and maintain levels of professional liability insurance acceptable to facility Administration including sufficient continuity of coverage for "claims made" policies;
  • Maintain good standing to participate in all federal and state health care programs;
  • Provide complete financial disclosure to facility Administration regarding relevant financial interest in designated health services to which residents of this facility may be referred;
  • Assume full responsibility to continuously update your credentials file with the most recent information available and to immediately provide written notice to the Administrator and Medical Director of any change in credentials or standing to practice medicine under state or federal law.

The MacIntosh Company
3863 Trueman Court
Hilliard, OH 43026

(614) 345-9500
(614) 345-9510 Fax

The MacIntosh Company is an Equal Housing Opportunity provider and maintains handicap accessible facilities.

© 2016 The MacIntosh Company. All rights reserved.