Monterey Rehabilitation Center, Skilled Nursing & Memory Care

  • ODH survey

    Preferred Health Care Provider in Grove City

  • 96% satisfaction

    96% Customer Satisfaction

  • Experience difference

    Experience the Monterey Difference

  • 10 bed

    10 bed Specialized Heart Health Center

  • Discover and Recover

    Discover where to recover between the hospital and home

"Discover where to recover, when your heart needs extra care"

Post-hospital inpatient rehabilitation solely focused on patients with chronic cardiac conditions or those recovering from a cardiac event or surgery.  Our highly skilled cardiac team works with the patient to achieve this goal by maximizing cardiopulmonary function through physical rehab, promoting self-care and compassionately addressing lifestyle modifications. The program targets the individual needs, interests and potential of the patient to maximize their highest level of effective living. Patient and family education is a key component to successful self-management of the patient's cardiac condition at home. 

Only the Heart Health & Rehab Center offers all of these benefits

  • Patient rooms dedicated for Cardiac patients
  • Individualized plan of care guided by a clinical cardiac transition coach
  • Activity tolerance monitoring
  • Cardiac-focused physical and occupational therapy
  • Disease management classes and support groups
  • Comprehensive discharge planning and follow-up care

Patients our program serves

  • Heart failure
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Unstable angina
  • Hypertension
  • Pre-post cardiac transplant
  • Endocarditis
  • Post myocardial infarction
  • Post CABG
  • Post cardiac interventions
  • Pacemakers

Medical Services/Protocols of care

Through our full complement of highly trained medical care staff, our center offers patients the opportunity to regain their highest level of function prior to returning home.

  • Physician: The Medical Director and attending physicians direct and coordinate medical services. Physician driven programs are designed to meet the individual needs of each patient through a customized treatment plan.
  • Nursing Leadership: Each patient's plan of care is overseen by the Director of Nursing, who guides daily clinical operations and ensures care is provided in a positive environment that enhances dignity and wellbeing.
  • Nurses and Nursing Assistants: Our skilled nurses and state tested nursing assistants deliver quality care with unparalleled professionalism. Nursing care is provided around the clock, seven days a week.
  • Clinical Programs: Our clinical programs focus on pain management, wound or surgical site healing, respiratory concerns, medication management, IV care, nutritional support, restorative nursing, hospice and respite care
  • Services: pharmacy services, laboratory services, X-ray services, podiatry, dental, optometry, psychological and interdisciplinary meetings with the patient and family to discuss updates and discharge planning.

Heart Health Educational Classes

Each patient receives two 1 hour heart health educational classes weekly. In addition, each patient receives one-on-one education on their personal cardiac history, diagnosis, medication education, explanation of lab values and co-morbidities that affect their heart disease.

Patient Educational Modules:

  • About The MacIntosh Heart Health Center and Amity Heart Care Home Health
  • Basic Anatomy & Physiology of the Cardiovascular System
  • What is Heart Failure?
  • Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure
  • The Importance of early signs & symptoms reporting.
  • Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors
  • Managing your Blood Pressure
  • When to call 911
  • Symptoms of a Myocardial Infarction (MI)
  • Daily Weights
  • Family's role in caring for the heart patient/
      Developing a Family Plan for the care of the heart patient
  • Nutrition and dietary restrictions
  • How to read a food label
  • Exercise in the heart patient
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Question and answer session about labs and tests/procedures for the heart patient.
  • How the patient's co-morbidities affect the heart patient.
  • Use of the Heart Health Patient Journal
  • Discharge to home planning
  • Advanced Directives
  • Cardiac Medications
  • Medication Reconciliation

Rehabilitation Services

Our comprehensive therapy services include Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy. A personalized plan of care is designed for each individual patient to focus on specific outcomes supporting energy conservation, independence, mobility and self-care. This plan of care is implemented by our experienced therapy team. They make it their personal mission to exceed your expectations. After a short stay each patient discharges home or to the next level of care with a renewed sense of self confidence and an improved level of function.

  • Initial therapy assessments are completed upon admission
  • Assessments last 30-60 minutes, during which the therapist will discuss your level of function prior to admission and evaluate your current status
  • Heart Health rehab patients perform a 6 minute walk test upon admission and weekly to compare progress
  • A plan of care will be established centered on YOUR goals
  • Our therapists work closely with an interdisciplinary team, including your physician, to monitor your progress and make recommendations to maximize your recovery
  • Most therapy services are provided Monday through Friday with staff available on the weekends based on your individual needs and physical condition
  • Therapy sessions are generally 30-90 minutes in length per discipline
  • We recommend that you wear loose-fitting clothing that allows movement and proper footwear during therapy treatments
  • Home Therapy Assessments are available when appropriate

The MacIntosh Company
3863 Trueman Court
Hilliard, OH 43026

(614) 345-9500
(614) 345-9510 Fax