Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation & Pre-Surgery Reservations at Monterey

Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Close to Home

Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation at Monterey offers post-hospital, outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation services in the central Ohio area. If you are considering or have scheduled surgery and would like to plan for your recovery needs, we recommend making a pre-surgery reservation.

This will provide you with peace of mind that you’re prepared for both your surgery and recovery. When you make a pre-surgery room reservation at Monterey, there is no financial obligation should your surgery be canceled or postponed.

Knowing what to expect and that your room and medical team will be ready and waiting for you will allow you to feel more confident and at ease as a surgical patient. We invite you to tour our community, meet our team and ask questions about what to anticipate during your rehabilitation with us.

Discover where to recover, and contact us today!

The rehabilitation wing at Monterey offers a comfortable, friendly environment with physical, occupational and speech therapies, as well as a wide variety of services, amenities and programs. We work with you to create goals and a personalized treatment plan to get you back to your best health as soon as possible.

Get In Touch

Complete the form below or call (614) 875-7700 to start your pre-surgery reservation or contact us about skilled nursing and rehabilitation.
