Pickaway Manor

  • Care Services

    2014 Ohio Department of Health Perfect Survey

  • Discover and Recover

    Discover where to recover between the hospital and your home.

  • Experience difference

    Experience the Pickaway Manor Difference.

  • Personalized. Uncompromised. Healthcare.

  • Unique post-hospital rehabilitation unit with private rooms.

Experience the difference!

If you or someone you love needs post-hospital rehabilitation and nursing services, you are looking for a provider you can trust. Skilled, experienced professionals who will care for you or your loved one with the kind of commitment, respect and dignity that you would. People with integrity. It is the difference you will find at Pickaway Manor Care Center. Our center is located on Clark Drive in Circleville, Ohio.

Whether you or a loved one is coming for a short stay while recovering from a recent hospitalization or living in one of our assisted living apartments or our long term care center, it is our aim to help maximize independence and quality of life with a plan of care that is individualized to each patient.


The MacIntosh Company
3863 Trueman Court
Hilliard, OH 43026

(614) 345-9500
(614) 345-9510 Fax

The MacIntosh Company is an Equal Housing Opportunity provider and maintains handicap accessible facilities.

© 2015 The MacIntosh Company. All rights reserved.