Whetstone Rehabilitation Center, Skilled Nursing & Assisted Living

  • Physician network

    Physician network including COPC and Med One Physicians.

  • Full compliment

    Offering a full compliment of continuum of care services.

  • State-of-the-art

    Two state-of-the-art Rehabilitation Gyms

  • Private room

    Private post-hospital rehabilitation rooms

  • 10 bed specialized

    10 bed specialized Heart Health Center

Jane Solt, RN

Jane Solt, RN

Director of Nursing
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My name is Jane Solt. I am the Director of Nursing for Whetstone Rehabilitation Center, Skilled Nursing & Assisted Living.  I have 20 years of experience in healthcare. I help patients by leading a team of nurses and nursing assistants in providing quality care for patients during their stay in our center. Personalized, uncompromised, healthcare means to me that we provided the highest quality of care focused on the individualized needs of each patient.

What I like most about working at a MacIntosh Community is the sense of being part of a community. Everyone works together to provide the highest quality of life for our patients and residents. Personally, I have been involved in 4H for the last ten years.

The MacIntosh Company
3863 Trueman Court
Hilliard, OH 43026

(614) 345-9500
(614) 345-9510 Fax

The MacIntosh Company is an Equal Housing Opportunity provider and maintains handicap accessible facilities.

© 2016 The MacIntosh Company. All rights reserved.