Whetstone Gardens & Care Center

  • Private room

    Private post-hospital rehabilitation rooms

  • 10 bed specialized

    10 bed specialized Heart Health Center

  • State-of-the-art

    Two state-of-the-art Rehabilitation Gyms.

  • Physician network

    Physician network including COPC and Med One Physicians.

  • Full compliment

    Offering a full compliment of continuum of care services.


Michael Justice

Housekeeping and Laundry Supervisor
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My name is Michael Justice. I am the Housekeeping Supervisor at Whetstone Garden and Care Center. I help patients be ensuring they have a clean, safe and comfortable environment and clean clothing and linens. I enjoy interacting with the residents and ensuring their individual environment and clothing needs are met.

Personalized, uncompromised healthcare means to me that we offer the best healthcare service that fits each person's individual needs. Personally, I enjoy spending time outdoors and with my children. I volunteer at my church, Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Grove City.

The MacIntosh Company
3863 Trueman Court
Hilliard, OH 43026

(614) 345-9500
(614) 345-9510 Fax

© 2014 The MacIntosh Company. All rights reserved.

The MacIntosh Company is an Equal Housing Opportunity provider and maintains handicap accessible facilities.