Dear Cheryl:
My father will soon be having hip replacement surgery at a Columbus area hospital. He put this surgery off for quite a long time and now his hip is in pretty rough shape. Dad also has a few other health problems, including diabetes, that may complicate his recovery.
My sister and I are trying to set realistic expectations for him for his recovery. He somehow has the idea that he will only need to go to a skilled nursing and rehab center for 7 days after he leaves the hospital. I just can’t see that being enough time.
What should we be saying to him to help him prepare for this transition?
Dear Jerry:
What a good question to ask! Family members play an important role in rehab and recovery for their senior loved ones. What we try to encourage patients to do is focus on their goals, not on the number of days they may be required to stay. Some people are in and out in 7 – 10 days, while others who have more complicated health issues stay with us for much longer. You are right in assuming his diabetes may play a role in his recovery, too. It can sometimes become an issue, but the staff at a quality skilled nursing and rehabilitation center will know how to work with those chronic health conditions.
Encourage your father to work with his physical therapist to set small goals along the way. It may start with being able to walk the length of his room with assistance and build up to walking the length of the hallway on his own. His therapy team will use those goals to help him stay motivated.
They will also take into consideration issues such as how many stairs he has to climb at home and whether or not he has a walk-in shower or just a bathtub. These and other similar factors play a role in planning for his successful return home.
Family members can help by reinforcing the need for him to focus on his long-term goals rather than length of stay. We encourage families to remind their loved one that their goal is to return home healthier and safer, not sooner. Visiting him often and helping him stay busy during his non-therapy times can help!
Best of luck to your father and your family, Jerry. I hope the surgery and recovery go smoothly!
Cheryl Beckman, Director of Rehabilitation
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